如何在win8.1重裝office 365/2013? - Microsoft Community 若您已經啟動 Office,請先登出,然後再以您用來啟動 Office 的 Microsoft 帳戶登入。若您尚未啟動您擁有的 Office,可以使用產品金鑰進行啟動。立即啟動 Office 若您沒有 Office,可以在 Office 市集購買。 我之前已經用remover uninstall了壞了的office,
Office 2013 apps won't start on Windows8 - Microsoft Community Hi Kevin, Thank you for choosing Microsoft Community. I understand how hard it is when the program does not work as expected. I shall help you with the issue you are facing with Office 2013. In order to troubleshoot the issue related to Office, try the st